Although Tobey Maguire will always hold a special place in the hearts of Spider-Man fans, Tom Holland's incarnation of the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been pretty great. He's perfectly suited to the role, and he's done a great job of fitting Spidey into a wider superhero-infested universe.

This version of Spidey has never uttered the immortal words, "With great power comes great responsibility," but he did use a long, clunky rephrasing with the same message: "Look, when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." And he's still had plenty of memorable lines. So, here are five Spider-Man quotes that made us laugh, and five that made us feel.

10 Funniest: "You're Head Of Security And Your Password Is 'Password'?"

While Peter Parker's relationship with Tony Stark gets the most attention, he has a fun dynamic with Happy Hogan, too. The writers have gotten a lot of comedic mileage out of teenage Peter being a lot smarter than adult Happy.

When Peter needs Happy's password and he tells him it's "password," the easiest-to-guess password of all time, Peter says, "You're head of security and your password is 'password'?," and an embarrassed Happy replies, "I don't feel good about it either."

9 Most Heartbreaking: "I Don't Wanna Go, Mr. Stark."

Every death scene at the end of Avengers: Infinity War was pretty heartbreaking, but arguably the saddest was the teenage superhero whose powers allowed him to see it coming before everybody else. First, he says, "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." Then, he collapses into Tony's arms as he starts to turn to dust and repeatedly says, "I don't wanna go, Mr. Stark."

The really tragic stinger at the end of this scene is Spidey's last words. He tells Tony, "I'm sorry," as he vanishes off the face of Titan. That's what's so great about Peter Parker: he's completely selfless.

8 Funniest: "Oh, I Love Led Zeppelin!"

One of the staples of Tony Stark's pageantry was his love of AC/DC. In the first Avengers movie, he flew into battle to the tune of "Shoot to Thrill." The Iron Man 2 soundtrack was made up almost entirely of AC/DC songs.

On the Stark jet as Peter designs himself a new suit, Happy plays "Back in Black," and Peter, being a classic millennial, says, "Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!"

7 Most Heartbreaking: "I'm Nothing Without This Suit!"

Following Spider-Man: Homecoming's Staten Island Ferry sequence, in which Spidey attempted to stop an arms deal on the boat and ended up accidentally ripping it in half with one of the alien weapons being sold, Tony Stark demanded that he give back his high-tech suit.

Peter begs Tony to let him keep the suit: "No! Please, please! You don't understand! This is all I have! I'm nothing without this suit!" And then, cutting right to Peter's core, Tony says, "If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it."

6 Funniest: "Remember When We Were In Space, And I Got All Dusty?"

When Peter Parker reappears with the rest of the dusted heroes in time for the final battle in Avengers: Endgame, he explains to Tony Stark what happened when Smart Hulk snapped them back into existence.

Peter says, "Remember when we were in space, and I got all dusty? And I must've passed out, because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? And he said, 'It's been five years. Come on, they need us.' And he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does. Anyway..." Then, Tony cuts him off with a hug.

5 Most Heartbreaking: "This Is Nice."

When Tony Stark dropped off Peter Parker at his apartment building following the fight in Berlin, Tony reaches across the car and Peter hugs him. Tony says, "That's not a hug, I'm just grabbing the door for you." There's a lovely callback to this in Avengers: Endgame.

When the success of the "Time Heist" is embodied by the interspace appearances of all the fallen Avengers, Tony Stark is brought to tears by the return of one fallen Avenger in particular: Peter Parker, the kid who inspired him to invent time travel. As Peter explains what happened when they were resurrected, Tony interrupts him with a hug and Peter says, "This is nice."

4 Funniest: "Oh, We're Using Our Made-Up Names. I'm Spider-Man, Then."

The MCU is filled with self-aware jokes about its story world being filled with superheroes. When Peter Parker meets Stephen Strange for the first time on the Q-Ship, after saving his life, he introduces himself as Peter.

However, Strange introduces himself as Doctor Strange, so Peter says, "Oh, we're using our made-up names. I'm Spider-Man, then."

3 Most Heartbreaking: "Come On, Spider-Man!"

The most heartbreaking Spidey moments in the MCU are the ones that remind us that he's just a kid. When the Vulture brings down a building on top of Peter and then takes off, leaving him for dead, Peter is crushed under a pile of rubble.

He's no longer a masked superhero; he's just a 15-year-old kid who's scared that he's going to die. As he desperately tries to free himself, he taps into his alter ego, the identity he feels the most comfortable with: "Come on, Spider-Man!"

2 Funniest: "I Helped This Old Lady And She Bought Me A Churro. That Was Nice."

One of the things that the event-driven nature of MCU movies has lost from the comics is the day-to-day lives of superheroes. These everyday activities rarely fit into the traditional three-act structure of a Hollywood blockbuster, but that's where a lot of the fun comes from.

Spider-Man is a character whose average daily life is exemplified in his solo outings. This can be seen in Homecoming when he recaps the day's events to Happy over the phone.

1 Most Heartbreaking: "We Won, Mr. Stark."

When Tony Stark gives his own life to save the universe from Thanos' wrath, he sits down and remains uncharacteristically silent as he slips into the light.

He's joined by his closest loved ones, and has heartbreaking final moments with each of them, including Pepper Potts and James Rhodes. Arguably the saddest is Peter Parker's tearful farewell: "We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it."

NEXT: Star-Lord's 5 Funniest (& 5 Most Heartbreaking) Quotes In The MCU

Next 10 Movie Scenes That Always Give You Chills, According To Reddit

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